Tuesday, January 20, 2009

malaysiakini and the CITIZENS IMPERATIVE for CHANGE

This article in malaysiakini is hardly surprising. 'BN is not waking up' sums up the situation most appopriately.
One can imagine a train that is out of control after many years of neglect. The train driver and the mechanics have gotten used to the good life and did not realise that proper maintenance is necessary for the train to work properly.
They kicked out the last train driver and hope that the train can be brought under control but as the KT election shows, the voters do not want just a simple change of the driver.
Basically they are rejecting the manner in which the train is being driven. The next stop will be crucial and that is the next General Elections that must happen by March 2013.
I expect Malaysia will be getting a new team of train drivers and mechanics. Let the old guard take a break and hopefully be able to recover in time for another round by 2018.
Maybe that is how Vision2020 will pan out - Malaysia makes the major breaktrough as a nation by enabling the 2-party system to flourish.

PS. Take the orange poll in left column and tell us your opinion.

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